Monday, September 22, 2014

Luke 2:41-51 Mary and Joseph made the trip to Jerusalem annually to observe Passover, after the command of Exodus 23:14-17. This trip consisted of a caravan - perhaps most of the people of Nazareth traveled together to Jerusalem, perhaps just their extended family. It must have been a big enough group of people that they did not worry about not seeing Jesus until a day had passed, assuming he was with relatives or friends. In our day, it is hard to imagine having enough trust that we would not worry about a twelve year old, spending time with a large group of people, and not worrying about him until a day had passed.
          The wordplay about fatherhood shows some humorous irony. Mary says, 'Your father and I have been looking for you' and Jesus responds 'Didn't you know that I would be in My Father's house?' A subtle reminder that Joseph wasn't really Jesus' father. But He returned and continued in subjection to them.
          What did Jesus talk to the teachers about? He astounded them with understanding, apparently both asking and answering questions. This understanding seems likely to have been the spirit and intent of the Scriptures, not just the rote memorization of the literal words or facts, but the meaning. How much of our instruction to children in matters of faith is intended to get them to hear the Holy Spirit in the interpretation of the meaning of the Scriptures? In this aspect, Jesus' divinity gave Him a natural ability to do this, but again raises the question - is this the norm for humans who are uncorrupted by sin?

Luke 2:52 hearkens back to Luke 2:40. Is the favor with God and man that Jesus exhibited after He was twelve different than the grace of God that was on Him before He was twelve? Increasing in wisdom, increasing in stature - that would define growth in body and soul. Increasing in grace or favor with God - spiritual growth. Increasing in grace or favor with man - social development. Jesus was not born fully developed. He developed, yet was untainted by the world, the flesh, or the devil. If we could figure out how to allow our children to develop in all these dimensions, untainted by the world, the flesh, or the devil, what would they become?

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