Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Luke 17:11-21 Cleansed and in God's kingdom

Luke 17:11-19 Ten Lepers cleansed. Earlier Jesus had healed a single leper (Luke 5:12-14), and apparently word had gotten around, so ten showed up. All ten were cleansed when they were in the process of following His instructions to go (by faith, it seems) to show themselves to the priest. But one came back to thank Jesus and glorified God loudly. The one who came back was a gentile, a Samaritan, which Jesus made a point of.... why did only a non-Jew come back to give God glory? It is unclear what happened to the nine who did not return. Jesus didn't say they lost their healing, or that they were also healed, although earlier it says they were cleansed as they went.  Perhaps there is a difference between being cleansed (verse 14) and being made well (verse 19). Taking leprosy as a type of sin, perhaps this story is saying that all are cleansed from the guilt of sin when they come to God in obedience to Jesus' command, but only the one who glorifies God, and has a personal interaction with Jesus, is delivered from the affliction of sin.

Luke 17:20-21 Jesus talks to the Pharisees about the coming/already present kingdom of God. As a prelude to His discussion of the end times, when the kingdom of God will be manifested visibly in the world, Jesus first wants the disciples to understand that the kingdom of God cannot be seen with physical eyes. It will be in their midst even while people are looking for it. Luke 9:27 suggests that the disciples saw it during the transfiguration on the mount. Luke 10:9&11 implies that it is present when the disciples go to a city and pronounce peace. Luke 11:20 implies it is present when demons are cast out by the power of God. Luke 13:20-21 compares it to leaven that is hidden in a flour that causes it to rise through a hidden mechanism. Luke 18:16-17 says that its essence is childlikeness. So we are left with a dual description. The kingdom of God consists of the people who follow Jesus, and is manifested in their lives when they do things through the power of the Holy Spirit. This happens now. The kingdom of God will come to the earth in power at the end times, which is the subject of the next section.

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