Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Acts 1:12-14 Waiting

Acts 1:12-14 The disciples gather while they wait as Jesus commanded. The remaining eleven disciples were present, as well as the women. Presumably these were the same women that were mentioned in Luke 23:49. They prayed and they waited.

          Waiting seems to be a frequent theme in Luke's writings. Elizabeth and Mary waited to deliver their children. John the Baptist waited to begin His ministry. The disciples now are waiting and praying. As people of the modern world, we have become extremely impatient. This is readily evident to anyone who drives in rush hour traffic. Although only a small fraction of the drivers are aggressive to the point of cutting people off in order to get ahead, a large fraction, probably the majority, drive well above the speed limit if conditions permit. Almost no one waits for marriage anymore. It is common for people to borrow so much money to get things they want, which they can never hope to repay, that personal bankruptcy has become an industry. But God will not be hurried and we cannot appropriate His blessings ahead of schedule. To get God's best, we must wait for His timing. He desires deeply to bless us but His blessing comes on His terms. If He says to wait for His provision, we must wait, or do without. We can provide for ourselves in the natural realm. But if we seek to provide for ourselves in the spiritual realm, we repeat Adam's mistake and miss the incredible blessings that God has prepared for us. Fortunately, the disciples and the women camp followers did wait.

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