Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Luke 23:26-32 The cross is a green tree

Luke 23:26-32 Walking the road with the cross and the condemned to the place of execution. Parallel passages Matthew 27:32, Mark 15:21, John  19:17. Simon of Cyrene was pressed into service to bear the cross because by this time, it is quite likely that Jesus had been so badly abused that He was physically unable to carry it. This was probably pretty scary for Simon because normally a prisoner would carry his own cross, and what would happen if the soldiers got confused and thought he was the one who had been condemned to death?
          As they were going a great multitude of people were following, and women who were mourning and lamenting Him. Jesus turned and gave them a very scary warning. In the future would come days when they will say blessed are those who never had children, because of the terrifying things that will happen. People will call for the mountains and hills to fall on them and protect them. An enigmatic statement in verse 31: "If they do these things in the green tree, what will happen in the dry?"
          Jesus' warning about the terrifying day to come parallels His words in Luke 21:23 and Matthew 24:19. That day would come about 40 years later, when Titus destroyed the Temple and Jerusalem was savaged. Calling for the mountains to fall on them is a reference to Isaiah 2:19, Hosea 10:8, and is repeated in Revelation 6:15-16. Since this warning is repeated in Revelation, which was penned after the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus, it seems clear that Jesus' warning is to a yet future event. Revelation indicates this is in the context of the breaking of the sixth seal (Rev 6:12) accompanied by worldwide cataclysm, and the prayer for the mountains to fall on them and hide them is accompanied with the request that the mountains hide them from the presence of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. Jesus is of course the Lamb in both contexts. In Luke He is being led away to slaughter (Isaiah 53:7), but in Revelation He returns to bring justice to the earth.

          Luke 23:31 therefore seems likely to mean that Jesus was saying, this is the day of grace, the tree is green and putting forth its blossoms. There will come a day of justice, when judgment will be administered, and the tree will be dry. In the day of grace, God will carry the penalty for sin, but in the Day of Judgment, those who reject God's provision will face that penalty without any mediation.

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