Acts 2:5-13 The reaction of people in
Jerusalem to the phenomena of tongues-speaking. Perhaps the biggest miracle in
the Holy Spirit manifestation of speaking in tongues is that the disciples were
understood by Jews from every part of the world. The disciples were speaking in
languages which they had no knowledge of, and were speaking of the mighty deeds
of God. At least fifteen different languages are mentioned. The claim by
mockers that they were full of wine implies that this was an excited utterance,
not just a calm discussion being carried on in another language. But although
some thought they were babbling nonsense because they were drunk, the miracle
is that the words they were speaking were being understood by foreigners.
was the focal point for Jewish worship and some effort must have been expended
by Jews from every part of the known world to travel there for the major
feasts. Deuteronomy 16:16 commanded them
to appear for the Feast of Weeks and even from great distances they came,
having been born in lands where other languages were spoken. And so God enabled
the disciples, who by and large had lived in Judea their whole lives speaking
either Aramaic or Hebrew, to speak to those in the dispersion in their native
tongues. Although they or their ancestors had been exiled, God had neither
forgotten nor forsaken them, and was now going to reach out to them with power.
Later we will see that The Lord sent the apostles as missionaries to gentiles
in those lands, but that would be impressed on them when Peter visited
Cornelius (Acts 10:44-48).
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