Thursday, January 8, 2015

Like 22:47-53 Betrayal

Luke 22:47-53 Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested. Parallel passages. Matthew 26:47-56, Mark 14:43-50, John 18:1-11. The unanimity of the accounts suggests that it was etched into the minds of those who were present. Judas brought a mob along with the chief priests, the officers, and the elders. A big posse to arrest one man. Judas identified Jesus with a kiss. We might think that by this time everyone would have known Jesus by sight, but in the dark it might not have been that obvious. In any event, the obvious perfidy of betraying someone by kissing them is inescapable.
          Then Peter struck the servant of the high priest in the ear (according to John's account - Luke doesn't name names) to which Jesus responded to him to stop, and healed the servant. Jesus knew all along that His kingdom would not, and could not, be built by force. Still a mystery why He told His disciples earlier to bring swords. At least He went on record, for all future generations, that He is not to be defended with the sword. And then He turned to the priests and asked them why they came with swords and clubs to arrest Him in the darkness, when He had been openly teaching in the Temple daily. The answer would seem to be obvious - that they wanted to avoid public disorder and possible reaction to arresting Him in public.
          But Jesus says that the power of darkness is theirs. In other words, there is a supernatural power of darkness or evil behind the priests that empowered them to arrest Him. He will later tell the authorities that they would have no power over Him except that it was given from above. (John 19:11). John also recorded that Jesus asked them who they were seeking and they said, 'Jesus the Nazarene' to which He replied 'I am He'. At this all of those who had come to arrest Him fell backward on the ground. This was God saying His own name, 'I AM'. Even though the Godhead was veiled in the flesh, His power was still present. Jesus would submit to arrest and ultimately execution, but that was in accordance with the eternal plan of redemption. He gave up His life, it was not taken from Him

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