Acts 15:36-41 Paul and Barnabas begin
another missionary trip. There is no indication how long elapsed before Paul
felt the stirring of the Holy Spirit to return to the mission field. However,
he and Barnabas had a dispute about taking John Mark along with them, since
Paul felt he had deserted them the first time. Perhaps Barnabas felt a family
loyalty to Mark since they were cousins (Col 4:10). And so Paul and Barnabas
split up. Barnabas took Mark and went back to Cyprus. Paul took Silas and began
by traveling locally throughout Syria and Cilicia to visit and encourage the
churches. Thus they began to make their way overland to the area Paul and Barnabas
had visited previously in Galatia, passing through Cilicia, and along the way
going near Tarsus before they got to Derbe, Lystra, Iconium, and Psidian
Antioch. Derbe had been the easternmost point in Galatia on Paul's first trip.
There is no record that they visited Tarsus.
is no further mention of either Barnabas or John Mark in the book of Acts.
However, their names are mentioned frequently in Paul's letters. Given the role Barnabas played early on in
bringing Paul to the Apostles, and then traveling with him on his first
missionary trip, it would be sad if his role in the early church came to an end
at this point. There is little Biblical information on where he went after
Cyprus or what he did. Mark is mentioned in Colossians 4:10 as being evidently
with Paul in Colossae at the time this letter was written. In 2 Timothy 4:11,
Paul asks Timothy to bring Mark with him when he comes to see Paul. Philemon
1:24 also indicates that Mark was with Paul. Hence we can conclude that at some
point Paul and Mark reconciled. I
Corinthians 9:6 makes reference to Barnabas, in Paul asking a hypothetical
question. Since Paul had not yet been to Corinth when he and Barnabas parted
company in Acts 15, this suggests that they had continuing contact after that, that
the Corinthians knew Barnabas, and that he was still an active missionary.
Galatians 2:1 & 9 makes reference to the events of Acts 15:1-35, and
Barnabas' role in the Jerusalem council. Galatians 2:13 refers to some events
in Antioch, in which Paul confronted Peter over legalism in his lifestyle and
falling into factionalism, in which Barnabas was also involved, but these
events are not mentioned in Acts.
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