Thursday, March 26, 2015

Acts 19:21-22 Paul Lingers in Asia

Acts 19:21-22 Paul makes future travel plans. Paul pondered in the Spirit going to Macedonia and Achaia, which he had previously visited (on his second journey), and then to Jerusalem, and ultimately to Rome. However, he apparently did not feel that the Spirit was leading him to immediately embark on this journey, so he stayed awhile longer in Ephesus and sent Timothy and Erastus ahead of him to Macedonia. Sometimes, when The Lord gives us a vision or a sense of future things, we have a natural human tendency to want to run right out and start on it. But whether that is God's plan and desire requires further discernment. In many cases, The Lord is laying the groundwork in our soul for future work on His behalf, but the time is not yet ripe. In some cases, the word is given for immediate execution. So we need to be sensitive enough to His voice to go when He says go and wait when He says wait, and know the difference in what He is saying.

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