Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Acts 19:11-17 Sevens sons of Sceva

Acts 19:11-17 The Lord was performing may miracles at Paul's hands. If this were to happen today, people would suspect some kind of huckster scam. Articles of cloth were taken from Paul to sick people who recovered, and demons went out. Jesus had demonstrated this kind of power while He was on earth, Peter had experienced this flow of power in Jerusalem as recorded in Acts 5:12-16. Now it was manifest through Paul, in Ephesus in Asia.
          The next story is almost humorous (although it probably was not, at the time), that the sons of a Jewish priest were attempting to use Jesus' name to cast out demons. As Jews, they evidently had not accepted the gospel, but also apparently did not understand that they had no authority to invoke His name. (One has to wonder what their father thought). The evil spirit responded truthfully; it knew Jesus and about Paul, but then mocked their lack of authority. Somehow this demoniac had enough power to subdue seven men, beat them, and tear their clothes off them.

          This story ought to give pause to anyone dabbling in the magic arts, or dealing with demons. In Jesus' name, believers have authority over demons. Jesus said so. (Mark 16:17) But it is important to understand that this promise was given to believers in Jesus. Dabbling in spiritual power is not a game for those who are not committed to Christ. They are no match for the spiritual forces of wickedness on earth or in heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:10-12) The sons of Sceva found this out. And so everyone who heard this story in Ephesus was afraid, and Jesus' name was being lifted up.

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